Explosives recognition and awareness training: a psychological approach to pre-blast mitigation


The nation\u27s security strategy tends to be reactionary to a specific event. It is rare when established policies have proven successful, even though there is substantial financial and resource investment. The payoff is measured by analyzing the desired minimal effect rather than prevention of the event altogether. Such is the case in combating explosives-related threats. Today, research and development, science and technology, are plugged as the saviors of a post-blast event. Synthetic and composite materials are used to strengthen barriers and cutting-edge technology is utilized to refine the latest in standoff detection. These legitimate measures provide a sense of security for those who are protected . By establishing acceptance that the blast will occur, a facility\u27s infrastructure and occupants fall into a specific category where minimizing is the accepted goal, rather than blast prevention being the ultimate objective. Although massive walls can act as a deterrent to terrorist attacks, evil doers are capable of breaching those barriers both from the exterior and interior. Therefore, a more logical goal of preventing the blast must be emplaced. Like safety, where the aim is to prevent injury, explosives training must be implemented to enhance a site\u27s capabilities to deter possible attacks. This paper investigates the current practices in explosives recognition and awareness (ERA) training, the availability of such training to pertinent security personnel and first responders, the tactics utilized to mitigate explosives events and develops a comprehensive psychological training mechanism, site awareness of firing and explosives devices (SAFE-D), on which both the private and public sector can build an authentic explosives site security plan --Abstract, page iii

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