Advanced moisture modeling of polymer composites


Composite materials absorb moisture from the environment and over time this moisture absorption affects the mechanical performance of the material. In order to determine the long-term moisture effects on the component, representative parts must be tested after having been exposed to an accelerated moisture-conditioning environment. This accelerated environment simulates the worst-case exposure conditions that a part might experience. Currently accepted methodologies for analyzing the time required to condition specimens are limited, only allowing simple geometry and an assumption that diffusivity rates are independent of the flow path or direction. Therefore, a more advanced finite element method is desired. In the current work, a three dimensional model is developed and implemented in commercial finite element code. The parametric study is being conducted for complex shapes, moisture diffusion from any surface, and varying moisture and temperature conditions. The ultimate goal for this research is to determine exposure times for accelerated conditioning that produce the most accurate moisture distribution within the part and minimize over-conditioning of the laminate --Abstract, page iii

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