Heuristic Evaluation Of i-Dyslex Tool for Dyslexia Screening


Early detection for dyslexia is crucial in order for children to receive early as well as proper treatment. There are various studies that have focused on early detection of dyslexia, however the results remain limited. Therefore, an easy and user-friendly dyslexia screening tool called i-Dyslex was developed. In order to make sure the tool is free from design and interface problems, heuristic evaluation has been carried out. This paper discusses the heuristic evaluation of i-Dyslex tool for dyslexia screening among expert evaluators. This study adopted ten Usability Heuristics to be included in the questionnaire. Overall result derived from the evaluation is above average mean score, which are neutral (3.00) in one domain. Several comments and feedback from the experts. Both the experts’ evaluation and the feedback were essentials for further improvement of the i-Dyslex tool to ensure meets the user requirement and expectation

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