Shimane Nursing College: Its Present and Future : To be a socially responsible college with uniqueness and appeal


Japan is characterized by its aging society and with a decreasing birth rate and, as a consequence, a decreasing number of 18-year-olds-the age of moving up to higher education. There has been a push to establish new school of nursing ( associate and baccalaureate degree programs ) throughout Japan. It is thus anticipated that will be severe competition in the recruitment of applicants for these schools. The report of the Education Council submitted to the Minister of Education required all universities to undertake a distinctive development program with diversification and individuality. The same requirement is also considered to apply to nursing college. In light of these reform measures presented by the Council, Shimane Nursing College is making every effort to be a socially responsible college throuht a unique and attractive program. An overall review is being carried out in areas including the entrance ezamination ; the National Examinations for Nurse, for Public Health Nurse and for Midwife ; the improvement of educational content and teaching methods through student evaluation ; the securing of employment ; and, our contribution to the community. The enhancement of such activities is undeniably important, requiring an untiring effort. The key phrases of the Ideal and Objectives of Education at Shimane Nursing College are Human Understanding ( Love for Human ), Development of the Roles of Nursing Profession, and Contribution to the Health and Welfare of the Community ( "Open-door College" ). These must serve as our philosophical guidelines for the future development of a unique and inspiring socially responsible college, and for an enjoyable academic life which is both challenging and inspirational

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