Zmiany w zakresie postrzegania i oceny własnego ciała wśród kobiet od okresu dojrzewania do dorosłości


Changes in body perception and evaluation among women from adolescence to adulthoodThe inspiration for the discussion presented in the article were differences in body self-perception in women from adolescence to adulthood. The results of research conducted among a group of 476 women at the age between 13 and 50 revealed regularities and tendencies for developmental changes in female body perception. There were distinguished three age groups connected with the appearance of signifi cant changes in body perception ensuing from various social roles and developmental tasks that the fair sex representatives need to face during subsequent life stages. The first stage was observed in participants aged around 18, which sets the transition between adolescence and adulthood and at the same time begins the period with the most experienced satisfaction with one’s own appearance. Entering the next stage of body perception development at the age of 25, there appears the so-called middle life crisis which is another turning point not only in the area of gathering experiences, reflections, and competencies of the gentle sex, but also in area of own body perception and evaluation

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