Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem a występowanie symptomów depresyjnych u młodzieży w wieku 13–16 lat


The main aim of the study was to analyse the strategies of coping used by adolescents in the age group of 13–16 years and the links between the strategies and the perceived depression. The strategies were studied with the reference to adolescentsʼ age and sex. The perceived depression was measured with self-description method. According to the results, younger adolescents (13–14 years) more often used the “ignore the problem” strategy compared to older youngsters (15–16 years). Strategies: “worry” and “seek the professional help” were more often used in the group of older adolescents. Girls used more various forms of social support and worried more often than boys. They also referred to relaxing strategies such as drawing, painting or reading books. Boys more often seek professional help. Surprisingly, the strategy of concentrating on pleasure activities protected adolescents from depression

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