Uwarunkowania braku partnera życiowego w percepcji młodych dorosłych żyjących w pojedynkę


The conditions of the lack of a lifetime partner in young adult singles’ perception The research field of this paper are the conditions of the lack of a lifetime partner in young adulthood. This research so called narrative-biographical interviews designed by Schütze was conducted with 36 participants not having partners (22 women and 14 men) in the age of 21–30 years. The foundation of the analysis was (1) Schütze’s narrative analysis and (2) hermeneutic analysis of autonarration used in the Bartosz’s research over motherhood. In the result of analysis participants’ responses were grouped into six categories of reasons for being single. Referring to respondents’ language they were called as follows: (1) “I haven’t met the right person yet”, (2) “I need time to recover from the break up”, (3) “My shyness stands in the way”, (4) “He/she doesn’t want me”, (5) “I’m a loner”, (6) “I work a lot”. The research results let us formulate the following general conclusions: (1) young adults indicate various reasons for being singled and which are of external and internal character and (2) in most cases young adults admit that it is hard to identify only one reason for singlehood which is often the consequence of many tangled circumstances

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