
Flexible Learning Spaces Evaluation Report


City University, London is tackling the challenge of ensuring the learning spaces provided are able to meet the anticipated increase in technology usage and prevalent pedagogies. There is no longer a standard classroom design that will achieve this goal and therefore it is imperative to pilot and explore a variety of flexible learning spaces. This report feeds back on an evaluation of two flexible learning space approaches piloted in the autumn term of 2012 as alternatives to traditional computer rooms laid out in rows with the lecturer positioned at the front. These approaches are: pop-up computers on circular tables in AG24A; and laptop lockers enabling staff to borrow laptops to use with students on node chairs in AG24B. Each of these approaches also supported the use of students’ own devices in learning spaces. These methods were evaluated using surveys, interviews and an open house forum. The report shares the findings and recommendations from this evaluation and future plans for learning spaces

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