Integrating Design Criteria for Management of Urban Ecosystems


Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 23-24, 2003, at the University of Georgia.Urban streams are the confluence of human activity and natural system processes, oftentimes revealing the conflicting objectives of both. Ramifications of poor stream condition have not gone unnoticed as nationwide stream restoration efforts focus on restoring natural conditions based on criteria for ecological health and integrity. Urban watersheds suffer from poor water quality, degraded physical habitat and excessive stormwater runoff as a result of stream channelization, stream bank armoring and a high percentage of impervious landscape within the catchment. The objectives of this paper are to present current efforts in developing a framework for urban watershed management by integrating the concepts and principles of three design paradigms: 1) environmental design, 2) ecological design and 3) engineering design. The focus is to integrate the stream with its urban landscape through long-term management

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