An Assessment of Concrete over Asphalt Pavement using Both the Ultrasonic Surface Wave and Impact Echo Techniques


A portable seismic property analyzer (PSPA) was used to simultaneously acquire both ultrasonic surface wave (PSPA-USW) and impact-echo (PSPA-IE) data at predetermined locations along a section of multi-layered pavement. The pavement consisted of a basal concrete layer (~220 mm), an intervening layer of hot-mix asphalt (~60 mm), and a concrete overlay (~220 mm). The section of multi-layered pavement was cored at multiple PSPA test locations for verification purposes. The conditions of the extracted cores were assessed visually, and the static elastic modulus, as well as the compressional wave velocity of each concrete overlay core, were measured in the laboratory. Results from this study demonstrated that the PSPA-USW tool can be used to evaluate the conditions of concrete overlay, the interlayer (hot-mix asphalt), and their bonding conditions from a qualitative perspective. A good correlation between the static and laboratory dynamic modulus from core specimens of concrete overlay were confirmed based on laboratory testing results. However, the field dynamic modulus of core specimens, based on PSPA-USW tests, was lower than both the static modulus and laboratory dynamic modulus. Furthermore, the PSPAIE tool was not able to estimate the depth of the entire pavement and to various pavement layer interfaces due to the interference of flexural mode vibration. Fortunately, the difference between intact and deteriorated pavement can be qualitatively identified from the amplitude spectrum. More core specimens are needed for further studies in order to verify the performance of both PSPAUSW and PSPA-IE techniques for multi-layered pavement condition assessment

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