Direct Torque Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation with Harmonics Elimination and Optimal Switching Sequence


In this paper an effective direct torque control (DTC) for a 5-phase induction motor with sinusoidally distributed windings is developed. First by coordinate transformation, the converter/motor models are represented by two independent equivalent d-q circuit models; and the 5-phase VSI input are decoupled into the torque producing and non-torque producing harmonics sets. Then with the torque production component of the induction motor model, the space vector modulation (SVM) can be applied to the five-phase induction motor DTC control, resulting in considerable torque ripple reduction over the lookup table method. Based on the decoupled system model, the current distortion issue due to lack of back EMF for certain harmonics is analyzed. Two equally effective SVM schemes with the harmonic cancellation effect are introduced to solve this problem. To analyze the DTC control torque ripple, an insightful perspective (also applicable to 3-phase analysis) is introduced to predict the torque ripple pattern evolution with changing motor speed and stator flux angular position. Therefore the switching sequence for lowest torque ripple can be determined and re-arranged online. Finally, with the overall optimal switching scheme adopted, detailed simulations verify the effectiveness of the new control

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