

John Dos Passos represents New York of the early 20th century in his first major novel Manhattan Transfer (1925) . In the novel, he desplays innovative narrative techniques, where newspaper headings, phrases from songs and rhymes, and fragmentary sketches of lives of numerous city dwellers are collaged. At the same time, silent monologues and stream of consciousness techique are merged with external portrayals of people. Then, he integrates. two ideas of history in the novel, i.e., the diachronic and synchronic. With the sense of deachronic history, he gives the picture of New York as the modern metropolis, where expansion and progress operate as the landmark; and he adds the elements of synchronic history to his account of the city through numerous references to mythic texts such as the Bible, nursety rhymes, and the Declaration of Independence. Consequently, the tension between the deachronic and synchronic history becomes a creative vehicle to produce a contemporary yet perennial vision of the urban city. This paper examines the two aspects of history integrated in this novel and proves how they function to produce a vital portrait of New York. First, the diachronic dimension of the novel is investigated along with the motif of newspaper, which is the media most relevant and usefull to convey the development of linear history. Next, the synchronic aspects of the novel are analyzed, as the references to the Tower of Babel, the Deluge, Lady Godive, and American myths are explicated. Finally, as the tension between the two historical ideas functions as a source of creation for Dos Passos, the same principle is applied to examine the case of Jimmy Herf, to imply how the would-be artist in the novel mighty prepare himself of creativity. The integration of the diachronic and synchronic history is indicated as a valid method to grapple with the vast phenomena of the modern world

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