

Can >, the incomprehensibility, play any role in Socratic Elenchi? At first glance, it might be thought that Socrates\u27 interlocutors cannot be > since he seems to control them perfectly and to lead them into contradiction whenever he wants to. On the other hand, the subject of elenchi, such as courage, piety, and the like, is likely to be > because interlocutors and Socrates do not know what it is. However, Socrates\u27 emphasis on the significance of awareness of one\u27s own ignorance suggests that one of the purposes of his elenchi is to lead the interlocutors into aporia. For Socrates, to admit one\u27s own ignorance is to accept > into oneself. Therefore, Socrates will invite interlocutors who become aware of their ignorance to another dialogue because they are >, but refuse to converse with those who fail to admit their ignorance because they are perfectly comprehended as such

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