シンリガク キョウイク ニオケル コンピュータ リヨウ ト ソノ ヒョウカ


The present paper presented the methods and devices for computer-based education in undergraduate course of psychology in Department of Human Sciences of Kobe College, and the results of survey concerning the computer-based education in two classes of undergraduate course of psychology. The computer-based education mainly consisted of computer-based presentation, "Q & A" and web-pages about the lectures. The result of survey revealed that students generally regarded the computer-based education highly valuable. They also answered that computer-based presentation was easy to understand although they hoped to reduce amount of the presentation per hour especially for introductory course of psychology. About half of them accessed the web-page of the lecture and more than 90% Of the students wanted to continue the presentation of information by web-pages. These findings showed that undergraduate students preferred the computer-based education to the traditional lecture using the blackboard. Moreover, the internetbased interactive education, "e-learning", should be introduced especially for the knowledge education in undergraduate students in the near future

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