The evaluation of sequential optimization and reliability analysis


Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) has been used for more than one decade for reliability-based design (RBD), but comprehensive theoretical studies on its performance have not been conducted. Further investigations on its performance are still needed. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of SORA for various testing problems. The performance of SORA evaluated in this thesis includes (1) accuracy, (2) efficiency, and (3) convergence behavior or robustness with numerical testing problems. SORA is evaluated with comparison with other major RBD methodologies. The testing problems are in different scales (numbers of design variables, random variables, and reliability constraints), with different distribution types (normal or non-normal distributions), and different nonlinearity of limit-state functions. This evaluation study focuses more on efficiency, which is measured by the number of limit-state function calls. The robustness of SORA is also improved by correcting a sign problem for strength-type random variables that are log-normally distributed. Through the thorough evaluation of SORA, this research helps a better understanding of SORA and other RBD methodologies, offers a better guidance for selecting RBD methodologies, and suggests possible ways for improving RBD --Abstract, page iii

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