Site characterization of Riverfront Park, Kansas City, Missouri, for the purpose of hazardous waste site remediation


Riverfront Park, Kansas City, Missouri is located on a point bar along the Missouri River. Portions of the site have historically been used (1950 - 1973) as a municipal landfill receiving residential, commercial and industrial wastes. Relatively high concentrations of elemental lead have been found in small areas of the surface soil within the limits of the Park. Chemicals that may be present in the landfill wastes create a potential for groundwater contamination. A Remedial Investigation, including a series of groundwater monitoring wells is necessary to characterize groundwater geochemistry and flood-induced changes in groundwater flow direction, and to assess any potential environmental problems. During monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling, measures should be taken to obtain parameters for calibration of a computer program that could be used to simulate rates and magnitude of contaminant transport in site groundwater, if such is found to be present. Historical information gathered and data evaluation should be of applied value in determining future sampling or possible remedial action to be utilized at Riverfront Park --Abstract, page ii

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