Neutron flux mapping of the MSM reactor


This investigation presents a mean to determine thermal neutron flux of a reactor by irradiating copper wires inside the fuel elements. The activity recorded after decay correction, is the relative thermal neutron density. Thermal neutron flux is a measure of the neutron density at thermal energy, 0.025 ev. Gold foils irradiated at National Bureau of Standards were used as the absolute neutron flux calibration standards. The average flux of the reactor with water as the reflector ranges from 7.24 x 1010 neutrons/cm2 - sec. to 7.87 x 1010 neutrons/cm2 - sec. as obtained from the calculations. This set of values compares favorably with the result as measured by the manufacturers. In this investigation the thermal neutron flux in the MSM reactor was determined by irradiating copper wires inside the fuel elements --Abstract, page ii

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