海浜実習における実施直前の準備作業について : 仙台大学の場合(2)


At Sendai College, the educational objective has always been to develop individuals who will contribute to the society by becoming Physical Education teachers or as instructors in sports and health related fields. The swimming training camp is one of the testing grounds for how well students adapt and function in a natural environment. Students also learn the importance of safety precautions and working within a group environment. This study is concerned with operations and methods necessary for successful swimming camp. As results of this study, following points were concluded. 1) There are various areas of responsibility involved within the total preparation. This study showed that each area had different amount of workload and time necessary for completing their objectives. Conclusion was that each area has to plan separate work and time schedule since it was impossible for all the areas to follow one schedule. 2) It was critical that the work and time schedule of each area be strictly followed. There were many instances where work of one area could not begin until work by another area was completed. 3) Pretesting of swimming courses and equipments were vital to the safety and the smooth operation of the actual camp. 4) Alternate schedules for the camp should be made in case of decrease in number of participants or for bad weather conditions. This research was concerned with planning and preparations immediately preceding the actual camp. The next study following this research will examine teaching methods, management and actual operation of the camp

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