Site Specific Seismic/Geologic Hazards Risk Zoning


A site specific risk zoning study was conducted on a Junior College Campus near Eureka, California, USA to evaluate the potential seismic/geologic hazards due to the presence of a 1 km wide low angle thrust fault system. Issues addressed to determine the level of risk at any location on the campus include: land sliding, earthquake ground shaking, ground surface rupture and deformation, lateral spreading, liquefaction, differential settlement, and tsunamis. Based on these potential hazards, a micro-zonation model was developed based on 13 different zones and 5 levels of risk. Information for use in this model was collected using a combination of paleo seismic trenches, geophysical surveys and soil borings. This information was then combined to develop a map of risk zones within the campus. This map provides site specific land use recommendations to assist the college in locating appropriate sites for future campus expansion

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