Collaboration Between University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for Community OutReach Development (UAB-CORD) and Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness For Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) Birmingham


GEAR UP is a competitive funding mechanism from the U.S. Department of Education that increases the number of low-income, minority students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. In 2014, the Birmingham City School (BCS) district, located in north central Alabama, was awarded a $19.6 million GEAR UP grant. In addition to UAB-CORD programs, GEAR UP students receive tutoring, mentoring, advising from counselors, summer academic enrichment and financial literacy skills. The current GEAR UP Birmingham cohort consists of 3,560 students, who will be followed for seven years. CORD offers K-12 students and teachers from all areas in-depth, hands-on, inquiry-based science experiences both during the school year and summer programs. The partnership between UAB-CORD and GEAR UP Birmingham provides lab experiences designed to expose students to a wide breadth of STEM fields. Current subjects include various disciplines of engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, and biology. These subjects are taught over a three-day hands-on lab experience

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