New York City High-Rises on Rock: Uncovering the Unknown Leads to Variable Foundation Solutions


Construction of high-rise towers in New York City continues to provide exciting challenges for design and construction teams. Sites are becoming increasingly more difficult to build on as “desirable” locations have long since been developed and developers are constructing on sites that were previously over looked. This paper describes two projects that provided unique challenges to the engineers and contractors. The first site is the New York Times Headquarters Tower. This site appeared to be a fairly straightforward foundation design, but became complicated as the subsurface conditions were uncovered. The second case history is the new Bank of America Tower which presented significant design challenges from the outset as it entailed a three basement excavation adjacent to subways and a historic theater façade that required protection. In both cases, close collaboration between the owner, design engineers, construction manager and eventual foundation contractors was required to complete the projects in a timely manner and without adversely affecting adjacent subways, pedestrian traffic, or adjacent historical structures

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