Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for the Great River Bridge


The proposed Great River Bridge is a 1400-foot long cable-stay structure that will be constructed over the Mississippi River between Desha County, Arkansas and Bolivar County, Mississippi. Including the bridge approach structures and approach embankments, the total structure length is approximately 23,500 feet. Seismic issues have controlled most of the structural design. Design ground motions for three typical subsurface profiles were developed and resulted in near-surface peak accelerations between 0.23 and 0.26g. Level ground liquefaction analyses indicated widespread liquefaction in an abandoned channel of the river and sporadic liquefaction elsewhere. Seismic slope stability and lateral spreading analyses indicated minor displacements at the approach embankments, the Arkansas levee, and the Mississippi riverbank; moderate displacements at the Mississippi levee; and major displacements at a 25-foot high natural terrace and the Arkansas riverbank. Conceptual liquefaction mitigation/soil improvement options were investigated

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