Reimagining the Liberal Arts in an Age of Technoscientific Progress


The following study will investigate the impact of dismantling liberal arts curriculum during an era of dramatic technoscientific progress. I will explore the development of the posthuman focusing specifically on the areas of virtual reality and biomedicine. As I unravel the implications that virtual reality and biomedicine will have on society in the coming decades, I will describe how a new liberal arts curriculum must be entertained by educators in order to maintain innovation, play, and ethical considerations in posthuman developments. In order for our students to become contributing members of a global community, they must be given the opportunity to learn how to think critically through an immersion in a new curriculum that will focus on modern/postmodern art, literature, and film productions. This study will explore how the disciplines of the sciences and those of the liberal arts might coalesce for the betterment of our students and our society

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