Compensation Theory: Can Club Soccer Players Appropriately Balance Energy Intake and Output in and out of Season?


Obesity is a worldwide epidemic affecting both adults and children. Obesity and overweight prevalence is increasing, with a corresponding decline in physical fitness and general physical activity level (McHugh, 2010). The college setting presents an important opportunity for health promotion during a critical developmental stage for weight gain (Nelson et al., 2007). While exercising and a balanced diet are the basis of most obesity-prevention campaigns, little research has been done on how physical exercise may increase food consumption. The purpose of this study was to examine whether college club soccer players can appropriately balance energy intake and output in and out of season. A convenience sample of twenty-four college students (14 males and 10 females), at a midsized southeastern university between the ages of 18 and 23 years participated in the study. Self-reported anthropometrics and three-day food logs were obtained. Participants were given accelerometers to be worn under clothes on right side of hip for seven days. Food logs and accelerometers were analyzed one time during season and one month post season to receive normal training week and normal out of season readings for food consumption and activity levels. The average calories consumed increased from 1885 kcal/day in season to 1937 kcal/day out of season. The average calories burned decreased from 479.39 kcal/day in season to 451.46 out of season. There were no significant differences for physical activity besides a significant decrease in Total Vigorous Time in minutes. Coaches and dietitians need to encourage and educate athletes on healthier food choices and knowledge on energy balance, so during the off season athletes do not hinder their performance by being out of shape or overweight. More studies are needed to examine compensatory effects with different populations with both starting and ending exercise programs

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