Analyzing Predictors of Drinking and Driving Among Gender Cohorts within a College Sample


The current study focuses on predominant predictors associated with each gender cohort’s engagement in driving under the influence (DUI). Aker’s social learning theory, Gottfredson and Hirshi’s low self-control theory, and Agnew’s strain theory are utilized to explore differences within two separate step-wise logistic regressions; one set of regressions contain a male only sample (n = 855), while the other model contains a female only sample (n = 968). This study uses self-report measures of DUI from a survey administered at a large Southeastern university focusing on risk-taking behaviors. Results indicate that social learning variables differential association and imitation are significant predictors for both gender cohorts’ DUI behavior. Also, although low self-control was a significant predictor within all female-only models, it was only a significant predictor in the male-only models when separate from the other theoretical variables. Likewise, strain was a significant predictor when separated, but was insignificant when included in the final models. Policies and future research are discussed

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