Performance comparison of transverse and longitudinal fractured horizontal wells over varied reservoir permeability


Since the first application in the mid-1980\u27s, multiple fractured horizontal wells have proven to be an effective means of extracting hydrocarbons. These wells require careful consideration of wellbore orientation relative to the horizontal principle stress. Wellbore orientation can lead to transverse fractures which are perpendicular to the wellbore, or longitudinal fractures parallel the wellbore. Questions arise regarding whether one fracture orientation is consistently preferred over the other, or if certain conditions affect the choice. Historical work has examined the impact of horizontal wellbore azimuth in the Barnett and Marcellus Shale where public data was reviewed and statistical well analysis was conducted respectively. Comparison between transverse and longitudinal fracturing in moderate gas reservoirs has been performed with experimental study. This work includes both simulations and actual field cases studies. It compares transverse multiple fractured horizontal wells with longitudinal ones in terms of both well performance and economics. The study covers both gas and oil reservoirs and extends prior work to unconventional resources by extending the reservoir permeability to 0.00005 md. A range of reservoir permeability is identified for the preferable fracture configuration through simulations. Field production history of the Bakken, Barnett, Eagle Ford and Delaware formations are investigated and compared to the simulation results. In addition, this work analyzes the impact of fracture conductivity, lateral length, fracture half-length, completion method and hydrocarbon prices. The conclusions can be used as a reference in decision making on horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing for both unconventional and conventional resources --Abstract, page iii

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