Sintesis Kitosan, Poli(2-amino-2-deoksi-D-Glukosa), skala Pilot Project dari limbah kulit udang sebagai bahan baku alternatif pembuatan biopolimer


Abstract In the future, the trend of polymer industry is by utilizing material from renewable resources because trend of petroleum sources decline and synthetic polymers are usually produced at high cost. In line with the problem, this research has purpose to synthesis biopolymer (chitosan) from invaluable shrimp waste. The purposes of the research are to study the effect of concentration of NaOH and temperature of deacetylation on transformation process to change chitin into chitosan, to determine the yield and degree of deacetylation of chitosan produced, and to study economical analysis of the production of chitosan in pilot project scale. Before doing pilot project scale, we have done laboratory scale research and produced chitosan which has high degree of deacetylation and the same quality as standard commercial chitosan. As the results of the research are concentration of NaOH and temperature of deacetylation have important contribution to increase degree of deacetylation and conversion of the reaction. The highest of degree of deacetylation reached is 79.35 % at 60 % NaOH, 125 oC, and 2 hours in deacetylation process. The chitosan produced has water and ash content below 10 % and 2 %, with the yield of chitosan around 25 %. The product has the same quality as commercial standard chitosan (ASTM specifications) with lower price. Keywords : chitin, chitosan, deacetylation, degree of deacetylatio

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