Optimasi Penggunaan Koagulan pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Batubara


Coagulation Test for coal wastewater was conducted with jar test methode. This research was performed by comparing coagulant activity with pH and dosage variation. Coagulant used in this research were FeCl3, Al2(SO4)3, PAC, dan Nalco 8100. Optimum condition was identified by varying acidity on pH of 5, 6, 7, and 8 with dosage variation on each pH. Optimum dosage range for each coagulant was defined from pre eliminary test. The parameter tested are turbidity, pH, TSS, and disolved Fe, Mn, and Al. Laboratory test result showed that the most effective coagulant to reduce contaminant substances is Nalco 8100. Optimum condition was reached at pH of 8 and 1 ppm. Keyword: Coagulant, Jar test, Coal, Wast

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