A Qualitative Examination of Optimal Professional Traits of Physical Therapists. – An Exploratory Investigation


Physical therapists are constantly searching for aspects of their professional practice to improve, in order to enhance interactions with patients, eventually leading to a more successful practice (Resnek & Jensen, 2003). Although this is the case, limited research has been found which has examined optimal qualities of physical therapists from neither a qualitative perspective, nor based upon their location. Thus, the purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to describe optimal qualities necessary for a successful physical therapy practice. In addition, this study aims to determine if therapists practicing in a rural community describe different qualities than therapists practicing in a metropolitan area. The study found that effective communication skills, deeper relationships, vast knowledge and the ability to teach it, a motivating mentality and a calm demeanor are essential professional traits for physical therapists. There were no major differences in professional traits between rural and metropolitan areas

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