Penerapan standar akuntansi keuangan entitas tanpa akuntabilitas publik (sak etap) pada penyusunan laporan keuangan


The financial statement is the primary means of communicating financial information to parties outside of the company, which contains the results of the accounting process that can be used as a means of communication between financial information and or activity of a company with the parties concerned with the information or corporate activity. in this case, the local cigarette company as entity the publishes general purpose financial statement for external users is expected to make a financial report in accordance with the standard, it is the standards of financial accounting entity without public accountability (SAK ETAP). the purpose of this study is to investigate the compilation and presentation of financial statement by an entitys financial accounting standards without public accountability (SAK ETAP), as well as the obstacles encountered in its application. this study used a qualitative research case study method. the steps are taken to obtain the information is by interview and documentation. the result of this study indicate that CV Aba Komputer financial statemen has not implement accounting standars entities without public accountability (SAK ETAP) and it is because the company has the limitation of knowlegde and human resources.Keyword: Financial statements, SAK ETA

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