Swift2Android 利用源對源編譯器實現Swift 語言開發安卓軟件


At present, there are two main mobile platforms in the world, iOS and Android. These platforms have multitudinous resistances, so that no code can compile data from the two platforms simultaneously. Therefore, to satisfy their various clients, programmers have to set codes twice for the two distinct platforms... 目前全球普遍使用的流動平台主要分為iOS 和安卓兩種,兩個平台 之間互不兼容,以至無人能利用同一套編碼同時支援兩個平台。為 了滿足不同的客戶,編程人員必須撰寫兩套截然不同的編碼,而且 更要決定優先開發哪套編碼... Award: Gold奬項: 金

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