Process design for hoist wire rope measurement and adjustment 設計快速量度及調教鋼絲繩的方法


A rubber tyred gantry crane (RTGC) is a mobile gantry crane that is used by Hongkong International Terminals Limited (HIT). The crane has eight wheels and four gearboxes that operate on four of the wheels. The RTGC has a trolley on top, which moves a spreader to different lines to pick up or set down containers... 輪胎式龍門架吊機(RTGC)是用於香港國際貨櫃碼頭的流動龍門架 吊機,4 副車輪共配備8 條輪胎和4 個變速箱,吊機頂部設有滑輪 起重小車,負責將移動吊具移至不同線路,以此吊起或放下貨櫃... Award: Gold奬項: 金

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