Data mining on existing game selling platforms 現成的電玩遊戲售賣平台內的數據探索


This project involves building a website to let people access game information as consolidated from a range of popular game selling platforms. This information includes not only comparisons among the prices offered on various game selling platforms, but also other information such as the publishers and system requirements... 本項目旨在發展一個單一網站平台,藉此整合及發佈多個廣受歡迎的遊戲銷售資訊,方便玩家進行比較。這些資訊不僅包括同一款遊 戲在不同銷售平台上的格價參考,也會列出發行商、系統要求等訊 息。 Award: Silver 奬項: 銀

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