Go with the grain 百搭主食


Domesticated in Mexico some 10,000 years ago, maise, or corn, is one of the world\u27s most versatile grains. The most common variety is yellow, but you can also find black, purple, blue, pink and red corn. Whichever you choose, there are myriad ways to prepare this humble ingredient. 玉蜀黍或粟米為一萬年前原生於墨西哥,堪稱世上種類最多元化的穀物,除了最常見的黃色,粟米還有黑色、紫色、藍色、粉紅色和紅色等品種。然而,不管什麼顏色,這種價廉物美的食材有很多不同的烹調方式

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