Modelling approach and first results on irrigation as climate change adaptation strategy of the project NaLaMa-nT


The project NaLaMa-nT examines in the context of climate change sustainable development paths of land use in four different rural districts in Northern Germany. These districts were chosen along a soil-climate gradient from west to east with increasing water deficit for plant growth caused by both: decreasing rain fall and decreasing soil quality. In front of this background different trends and developments of agricultural production can be derived from analysing, modelling and comparing existing production systems and conditions of the different regions. One assumption developed from existing climate projections is that climate change will cause increasing water deficits for plant growth – especially in the eastern part of Germany. An obvious solution is to intensify agricultural production using existing irrigation methods that can reduce the yield risk and thus stabilize income from agriculture by avoiding yield failures and increasing the overall yield level. Therefore we build a modelling approach which allows an economic analysis both on the crop production activity level as well on the farm level. The data base comprises data representing recent production techniques and added optional irrigation techniques. The yields and input level changes are derived from literature studies and expert interviews. The farm structure is represented and modeled based on typical farms chosen from an IACS-data farm typology with different production potentials and patterns. First results will be presented in April

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