
Background: ShcA, a scaffolding protein, generates signalspecificity by docking to activated tyrosine kinases through distinct phosphotyrosine recognition motifs, while mediating signal complexity through formation of diverse downstream phosphotyrosine complexes. Mammalian ShcA encodes 3 isoforms having a modular architecture of a PTB domain and SH2 domain, separated by a CH1 region containing tyrosine phosphorylation sites important in Ras-MAPK activation. Objective and Methods: ShcA has a necessary role in cardiovascular development^1,2. However, the role of ShcA in the adult myocardium is largely unknown, also unclear, is how ShcA uses its signaling modules to mediate downstream signaling. To this end, cre/loxP technology was employed to generate a conditional ShcA allele series. The myocardial specific ShcA KO (ShcA CKO) and myocardial restricted domain mutant KI mice were generated using cre expressed from the mlc2v locus^3 coupled with the ShcA floxed allele and in combination with the individual ShcA domain mutant KI alleles^2. Results: ShcACKO mice develop a dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype by 3 months of life, typified by depressed cardiac function and enlarged chamber dimensions. Isolated cardiomyocytes from ShcA CKO mice have preserved contractility indicating an uncoupling between global heart function and single myocyte contractile mechanics. Force-length experiments suggest that the loss of shcAmediates the uncoupling through deregulation of extracellular matrix interactions. Subsequent, analysis of the ShcA myocardial restricted domain mutant KImice suggests that ShcA requires PTB domain docking to upstream tyrosine kinases and subsequent phosphorylation of the CH1 tyrosines important for downstream signaling. Conclusion: ShcA is required for proper maintenance of cardiac function, possibly regulation of extracellular matrix interactions. References: 1. Lai KV, Pawson AJ. The ShcA phosphotyrosine docking protein sensitizescardiovascular signaling in the mouse embryo. Genes and Dev 2000;14:1132-45. 2. Hardy WR. et al. Combinatorial ShcA docking interactions supportdiversity in tissue morphogenesis. Science2007;317:251-6. 3.Minamisawa, s. et al. A post-transcriptional compensatory pathway inheterozygous ventricular myosin light chain 2-deficient mice results in lack ofgene dosage effect during normal cardiac growth or hypertrophy. J Biol Chem 1999;274:10066-70

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