A Wireless Sensor Network-Speech Recognition Scheme Using Deployments of Multiple Kinect Microphone Array-Sensors


Speech recognition has successfully been utilized in lots of applications recently. With the development of the Kinect sensor device from Microsoft, speech recognition could be further promoted to be used in an ubiquitous environment where a wireless sensor network using Kinect sensors is deployed. This study develops a wireless sensor network (WSN)-speech recognition scheme using deployments of multiple Kinect microphone-array sensors. Presented speech recognition by Kinect-WSN could effectively capture the acoustic data made from the talking speaker and then perform the corresponding voice command control on certain target. In this study, different strategies to deploy multiple Kinect microphone-array sensors for constructing an ubiquitous Kinect-WSN speech recognition environment are investigated. Several different acoustic sensing data fusion methods are also explored for achieving superior performance on Kinect-WSN speech recognition. The presented method in this paper is evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness in an 5m×5m laboratory environment in which any of four test speakers is to make the voice command anywhere. Developed Kinect microphone array sensor-deployed WSN speech recognition in this work is finely utilized in various different applications in control

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