"Illness" Experience and "Dispersion" Depiction --Post-1980-born XIONG Yan's Poetry


"病痛"体验是时间与生命留存于身体中的感知"心像","病痛"书写直指时间与生命一体的诗性内核。80后诗人熊焱关于时间与生命的"病痛"体验,表现着个人、时间、生命三个维度的孤独本质,他由"病痛"时刻与状态完成的诗歌表现出强烈的孤独诗感。时间与生命的"离散"书写,完成了熊焱个体对时间与生命的解释与意义探寻。"Illness" experience is the bodily "heart - felt image" retained by time and life, so illness depiction points to the poetic core of time and life. Post-1980-born XIONG Yan' s illness experience in regard to time and life displays solitude nature in three dimensions, concerning individuality, time and life. His poems about illness moment and completion display a strong poetic solitude. XIONG Yan's dispersion depiction about time and life proclaims his interpretation and pursuit to their significance.2011国家哲学社会科学基金项目“朦胧诗以来现代汉语诗歌的语言问题研究”(项目编号:11BZW096)的阶段性成

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