National identity and identity choice of the Si - Dong people of Qinzhou in the Beibu Gulf in the Ming dynasty


明朝宣德年间,北部湾钦州四峒之民叛附安南,历百余年后才归复中国。百余年间围绕着四峒之民叛附与归复,明朝政权主要以招抚为主。后因安南国内政局变幻,安南莫氏政权将四峒之地归还明朝。在四峒的归复历程中,中原王朝注意施行文化感召,并以羁縻之治来加强对边疆的治理。四峒之民则通过构建汉将后裔英雄祖先故事,以此来实现自我身份认同和国家认同。这些行为体现了对中国传统的文化软实力的应用策略。During the reign of Xuande Period of the Ming dynasty, the Si - Dong people of Qinzhou in the Beibu Gulf betrayed the Ming Imperial Court and pledged allegiance to An Nanguo. The political turbulence in An Nangno resulted in Si - Dong's return to Chinese sov- ereignty one hundred years later. During this period, the Ming Imperial Court mainly adopted the policy of amnesty for the Si - Dong peo- ple. Then, the area inhabited by the Si - Dong people was given back to China by the Nha Mac. During this time, the Ming Imperial Court attached importance to cultural cultivation and strengthened its control over this area with the favorable yoke policy, while the Si - Dong people achieved their self identity and national identity through creating themselves as the descendants of some heroic Han generals, which mirrors the strategic application of the soft power of the traditional Chinese culture.国家社会科学基金青年项目“明清时期桂西南地区伏波信仰的社会史考察”(项目编号:11CZS044); 广西壮族自治区级人才小高地项目“广西与东南亚民族研究人才小高地”阶段成

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