The Discussion on Teachers'Nationality Development in National Institutes Connotative Development


民族院校是中国少数民族高等教育的独特形式。在我国高等教育实现内涵式发展的场域下,民族院校作为高等教育体系中的有机组成部分,谋求内涵式发展注定成为历史之必然。民族院校教师作为传承与发展民族文化、构建特色学科、培养少数民族人才的主要执行者,是形成特色办学的关键力量,其本身所具备的民族性,是内涵式发展场域下民族院校教育质量提升的重要动力。当前,民族地区寻求民族院校教育内涵式发展,提高民族院校教育质量,凸显特色办学的功能,亟需民族院校通过教师的民族性,彰显自身的独特性和实现培养优秀少数民族人才的根本目标。The national college is a unique form of Chinese ethnic higher education.In the field of our country's higher education is to realize the connotative development,ethnic college as an organic part in the higher education system seeks the connotative development destined to become the necessity history.National college teachers are the main practitioner for parsing and inheriting the national culture,constructing characteristic discipline,training minority talents,and they are the key strengths to the formation a college's feature,the nationality which they has in connotative development field is important motivation in order to change the national college education quality.At present,ethnic areas seek the connotative development of national colleges education,improving the quality of ethnic school education,highlighting the function of running characteristics school,national college through teachers' nationality reveals its unique national concept and achieves the basic goal of cultivating outstanding talents in ethnic minorities would be a urgent need.广西哲学社会科学研究2013年课题“民族地区高等教育内涵式发展研究”(项目编号:13MJ13)的研究成果; “广西特聘专家”项目经费资

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