Human Hand as a Meta-tool


手的形成与手的工具化是相伴相生的自然选择过程。人手的形成必然具备工具化的特点,工具化了的手是人手形成的标志。手的形成意味着人类的诞生,人类最早的制造工具活动就是从"手"中开始的。手具有自然属性和工具属性:自然属性与一般动物无异,工具属性则从人类诞生之日起就存在着。手的形成过程就是其元工具特征演化并凝固于手的过程。而器械作为手的工具属性的延伸,成为了人类改造自然的强大力量。Human hand is a recta-tool. The forming of human hand and its function as a tool, which transacted each other, share a very long and same history. A human hand has to be a tool at first, and becoming a tool is the final stage of forming human hand. Human being must have human hand first and the first human behavior of making tools is from 'hand'. Human hand has natural property and instrumental property. The natural property of human hands is the same to animals', while the instrumental property exists only in human being as early as the existence of us. Machines which are powerful tool for practice, are the hands of human being' instrumental hand

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