A Motivation Study on the Motivation of Chemistry Learning of Minority Preparatory Students in Guangxi


问卷调查的统计数据揭示了广西少数民族预科学生化学学习动机的主导类型为外部动机,在性别、成绩水平和科类方面,化学学习动机水平的差异各有特点。掌握这些特点将为预科化学教师改进教学方法提供依据。It is revealed that the dominant motivation type on chemistry learning of minority preparatory students in Guangxi is extrinsic motivation, which is based on the statistical data from questionnaire. In terms of gender, grade level and subject, the differences of the level of chemistry learning motivation have their individual characteristics. The mastery of these characteristics will provide the basis for improving the teaching methods of chemistry teachers in pre-university schools.广西民族大学高等教育教学改革工程项目(2012XJGC15)资

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