Viewpoint (Art and Descriptive Text)


This art was created as part of a class zine project. The concept/direction for the zine was generated by a group of students, then selected by the class for use. This cover was a collaborative interpretation of that concept conceived of by Kaylyn Hill, Stacey Roten, Siyu Wang, and Jimmy Wilder. The design was executed by Kaylyn Hill. The problem the class addressed was: Imagine that hundreds of designers used their skills and creativity to respond to the most important and newsworthy issues of today. This collection will be the focus of a blog, a book, an exhibition, a documentary... (it doesn’t really matter what format or media it might be, ultimately). How would this kind of graphic statement—this power used for good, for awareness, for protest, etc.—be expressed? What would you title it? What visual treatment might be applied to or accompany that title? The Viewpoint #nofilter concept reflects the act of looking closely and critically at world events and responding with honesty. Therefore, there are many perspectives of the world shown but within a form that also resembles an eye, a target, a print registration mark, etc. The art was modified for the cover of PURE Insights, but is presented here in the original form

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