Practice of the Blended Styles of Constructivism and Scientific Inquiry Teaching in Instrumental Analysis Course


为了提高《仪器分析》课程教学质量与水平,本工作在化学及应用化学两个班的教学过程中运用两种教学方法:一种是单一的讲授方法;另一种是以建构主义理论为指导,并融合探究模式,这种教学活动过程包括:课前布置任务,课堂创设问题情景,引导学生探究问题,并提出猜想或假设,对假设进行检验及演绎推理,引导学生发现规律得出结论。通过一学期的实践与比较,发现建构主义与探究式相融合的教学效果比传统讲授的教学效果要优越。n order to improve the learning and teaching quality and level of Instrumental Analysis courses, two different teaching styles were carried out in two classes of chemistry major and applied chemistry major (counterparts), respectively.One style was to utilize traditional teacher-centered manner of lecture, the students passively listened to their teachers'lecture and take notes; another format was to be guided by constructivism, and to blend inquiry learning and teaching.This blended learning and teaching style included the following processes: subsequently, to assign homework to students before class, to design problem environments, to pilot students to inquire problem on their own, and to propose their guess or hypothesis, to test their hypothesis and conduct deductive reasoning, to motivate students to find law and finally make conclusion in classroom.The investigations found that the blended learning and teaching style of constructivism and inquiry was superior to the traditional one through a semester experiment.广西高等教育教学改革工程项目(2014GA129);广西民族大学2103年度高等教育教学改革工程项目(2012XJGY23

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