Electrochemical Behaviour of the Interaction Between Chitosan and Al izarin


Abstract The interaction betw een Ali zarin red ( AR) and Chi tosan ( CS) w as inv estigated in 0. 1 mol /L HAc-NaAc buf fer solution ( pH= 4. 5) on the glassy carbo n elect rode ( GC) by cyclic and square wave voltammet ry. The results show that bo th AR and AR-CS complex have a well-defined quasi-rev ersible redox wave( Vpc= - 0. 46 V , Vpa= - 0. 41 V ) with adsorption characteristics. Electron t ransfer coefficient (T) and reaction rate constant (Ks ) of AR and AR-CS were measured by cyclic voltammet ry. The maximum binding numbers m betw een AR and CS was found to be 2 500. The ex periment results confirmed that low er concentratio n of CS can enhance the detection sensitivity , w hile hig her concent ration of CS can low er the detection sensitivi ty. In the presence of 2. 0× 10- 5 mol /L AR, the peak current of sy stem are proportional to CS concentration in the rang e of 1. 25× 10- 8~ 2. 5× 10- 7 mol /L, and inv ersely proportional to CS concentration in the rang e of 2. 5× 10- 7~ 1. 25× 10- 5 mol /L, respectiv ely. The binding interaction mechanism w as also discussed.国家自然科学基金(批准号:20475068);广西壮族自治区自然科学基金(批准号:0141037,0342018)资

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