Study on Training of Practice Ability for Environmental Engineering


环境工程专业作为一门工程性和应用性很强的学科,它要求本专业的学生应具有一定的实践操作能力,工程设计和管理能力。因此在环境工程专业教学中需加强对学生工程实践能力,创新能力的培养,以适应不断发展壮大的环保产业对高素质人才的需求。文章对环境工程专业实践教学体系的构建进行了研究和探讨,以便促进教学工作,提高教学质量。 The environmental engineering specialty is characterize by engineering and application,the undergraduate student should have the abilities in practical operation,in engineering design and management.Therefore constructing and enhancing the practical teaching system is necessary to meet the requirement of the growing environment protection industry.This paper conducted a study to constructing this system and applying it.广西民族大学校级教改课题资助项目(2011XJGB19);广西基础化学实验教学示范中心教学研究专项(Y21

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