The Losing Control of Internet and Its Society Control in Our Country Today


网络失范是在网络环境下出现的一种新型的社会失范,它不仅阻碍了网络技术本身的发展,而且对我国经济、政治、文化、社会等方面产生了深刻的影响。研究我国当前网络失范行为,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文以马克思主义理论和中外社会学理论为指导,立足于当前我国网络社会的现状,严格遵循理论与实践相结合的原则,对我国网络失范的现状、原因、影响、发展趋势和社会控制进行了阐述和分析。正文包括以下四大部分: 第一部分描述了当前我国网络失范的现状。这一部分由以下两方面构成:(一)网络社会及其特征。网络社会是建立在全球计算机网络化基础上,由人、机器、信息源之间相互联结而构成的一种新型的社会生活和交往的虚拟空间。网络社会具有以下特点:虚拟性、开放性、时空压缩性、交互性等。(二)我国网络失范的表现。网络失范必须具备如下条件:它是一种客观存在的非正常状态,对相当一部分社会成员不利或有害,它引起公众的普遍关注,它需要社会共同努力才能得以控制。网络失范具有以下特征:产生环境的网络性、作用范围的广泛性、形成机制的高智能性、行为主体与危害结果的隐蔽性、社会危害的严重性、文化背景的差异性、表现形式的复杂性。网络失范有以下几种表现形式:网络黑客、网络病毒、网络色情、网络经济犯罪、网上侵权、信息化污染、网络沉溺等。第二部分对我国网络失范的原因进行了分析。文中从现实道德危机、网络生活的特点、安全管理意识、技术监控体系不完善、法制建设滞后、社会文化的影响、心理素质、学校和家庭教育缺乏正确引导等方面对网络失范产生的原因进行了分析。第三部分分析了我国网络失范对社会的影响及其发展趋势。 (一)网络失范对社会的影响。本文从经济、政治、文化、社会和身心健康等方面深刻揭示了网络失范对社会的影响。1、扰乱经济秩序,造成巨大的经济损失;2、危害国家政治安全及社会稳定;3、导致人类知识匮乏,民族文化消解;4、导致社会道德水平下降,人际关系淡漠,造成人类退化的危机;5、造成对人们身心健康的巨大冲击。 (二)网络失范的发展趋势。随着网络技术的发展,网络失范日益呈现出以下发展趋势。1、蔓延迅速,涉及面广,危害日益严重;2、动机、形式日益多样化、复杂化。3、冲破地域限制,国际化趋势日益明显。4、网络失范行为者中“白领”渐增,且日趋年轻化。第四部分提出了对网络失范进行社会控制的措施。(一)加强网络伦理道德建设。我们不但要整合中国传统伦理资源,发扬社会主义道德,而且要借鉴西方的经验。(二)加强网络思想文化建设。我们应着眼于弘扬我国优秀的思想文化,在网上建立和巩固以马克思主义为指导的思想文化阵地。(三)加强技术研究。一方面要加快网络信息控制技术研究,另一方面要进一步研究开发网络安全技术。(四)加强网络立法。网络立法要遵循以下原则:综合性原则、渐进性原则、可行性原则、国家性原则、国际性原则。(五)加强安全管理,增强防范意识。重点是加强计算机网络用户、人事的管理,设立专门的网络执法机构和加强网络执法队伍建设。(六)注入人文关怀。一要矫正价值导向;二要关注人性的全面发展;三要注重网络技术的可持续发展。(七)建立家庭、学校、社会“三位一体”的教育方式。一是家长应了解和懂得使用电脑;二是学校、教师应积极对青少年进行教育和引导;三是社会应对网络失范行为予以高度重视。(八)开展广泛的国际合作。国际互联网是“电子联合国”、“电子地球村”,预防和打击网络失范应该在全球范围内展开.The losing control of network is a new losing control of society emerging in internet environment which not only obstructs the development of the network technique, but also deeply affects the economy of our country, politics, culture, society, etc. So the current research of the losing control of network in our country has the importantly theoretical and practical significance. This article is guided by the Marxist theories and the sociology theories of home and abroad, and strictly follows the principle which combines the theories and practice together .In front of the present situation of our network society. In mainly elaborates and analyses the present situation, reason, the trend of development and society control of the losing control of network in our country. The article includes four parts. The first part elaborates the present situation of the losing control of network in our country. This part is composed of several aspects. Firstly, the network society and it’s characteristic. The network society is a new kind of conjecture space of social life and association. Internet is base on the global calc ulator which is mutually connected by the person, machine and the source of information. The network society has characteristics, such as conjecture, open, super pace, the nature of handing over with each other. Secondly, the performance of the losing control of network in our country .The losing control of internet must possess these factors: it is a kind of abnormal condition of objective state, which is harmful or disadvantage to a part of the society members, and which has caused public of widespread corners and would be controlled by the effort of society joint. The losing control of internet has the characteristic network of productive environment ,the extensive of function scope, the high intelligence of the formation mechanism, the concealment of the behavior corpus and endanger, the seriousness of society endanger, the difference of the culture background, the complexity of the manifestation. The losing control of internet such manifestation. Hacker, network virus, network sexy, network economy crime, network tort, pollution of information, and network indulges etc. The second part analyses the reason of the losing control of internet. This part analyses the reason in many angles and level many administrative levels from the realistic morals crisis, the characteristics of network life, safety management consciousness, the system of the technique is not perfect, the lag in law constructing, the influence of social culture, the character of mental state, the education in society and family is lack of proper guide etc. The third part analyses the influence to society and the development trend of the losing control of internet in our country. Firstly, the influence to society of the losing control of internet. It reveals the influence to society of the losing control of internet from economy, politics, culture, society, mental etc. 1. interfere with the social economic order, result the great loss in economy; 2.endanger nation political safety and society stability; 3.cause the short of human knowledge and dying out of race culture; 4.cause the destruct of social morals level, and the cool of social intonation, result the crisis of mankind dangerous; 5.result the great impact to people mind and body health. Secondly, the development trend of the losing cont rol of internet. The losing control of internet increasingly present out the below development trend alone with the development of the internet technique: 1.spread quickly and involve widely, the endanger increasingly serious; 2. the increasing tierce and complication in motive and form; 3.the increasing trend of internationalization and breaking the region limit; 4. the increasing numbers of the white collar and the young trend in the behaviourors of the losing control of internet. The last part puts forward measures of society control to the losing control of internet. 1. Enhance the construction of network ethics morals. We not only integrate the Chinese and traditional ethics resources and develop the socialism morals, but also draw lessons from the western experience. 2. Enhance the construction of internet thought and culture. We should fix attention on enlarging and developing the excellent thought and culture of our country, and establish and consolidate the leading battle field of the Marxism in internet. 3. enhance the technique research. Firstly, we should enhance the technique research of the control of network information; on the other hand, we should further research the safe technique of network. 4. Enhance the internet lawmaking, the lawmaking of internet should follow the below principle: synthesize, gradually principle, feasibility principle, national principle, international principle. 5. Enhance the safety management of computer custom and personnel; establish the special executive body of internet and the executive law troops. 6. Infuse into the humanities concern, and prevent the cyberspace from symbolization. Firstly, correct the value leading. Secondly, pay attention to the completely development of human nature, the last make point of the continue development of internet technique. 7. Establish the education method of trinity method of family, school, and society. Firstly, the parents should understand and know how to use the computer; secondly, schools and teachers should positively educate and guide the teenagers. Thirdly, society should pay attention to the behavior of the losing control of internet. 8. Carry out extensive international cooperation. The internet is an electronics united nation, and an electronics global village, so the preventions and attacks against the losing control of internet should haunch within the scope of world.I 中 文 摘 要 1 I I A b s t r a c t 3 I I I 正 文 5 引 言 5 一 当 前 我 国 网 络 失 范 的 现 状 6 一 网 络 社 会 及 其 特 征 6 二 我 国 网 络 失 范 的 表 现 8 二 网 络 失 范 的 原 因 分 析 1 7 一 网 络 失 范 的 道 德 因 素 1 7 二 网 络 生 活 的 特 点 对 网 络 失 范 的 推 动 1 8 三 安 全 意 识 淡 薄 网 络 管 理 滞 后 1 9 四 网 络 技 术 监 控 体 系 不 完 善 1 9 五 法 制 建 设 滞 后 2 0 六 社 会 文 化 的 负 面 影 响 2 1 七 缺 乏 健 康 的 心 理 素 质 2 1 八 学 校 和 家 庭 教 育 缺 乏 正 确 引 导 2 2 三 我 国 网 络 失 范 对 社 会 的 影 响 及 其 发 展 趋 势 2 3 一 网 络 失 范 对 社 会 的 影 响 2 3 二 网 络 失 范 的 发 展 趋 势 2 6 四 还 网 一 片 晴 天 网 络 失 范 的 社 会 控 制 2 7 一 加 强 网 络 伦 理 道 德 建 设 2 8 二 加 强 网 络 思 想 文 化 建 设 3 0 三 加 强 技 术 研 究 进 一 步 完 善 信 息 资 源 网 络 系 统 3 0 四 加 强 网 络 立 法 推 进 网 络 控 制 法 制 化 3 1 五 加 强 安 全 管 理 增 强 防 范 意 识 3 2 六 注 入 人 文 关 怀 防 止 网 络 空 间 的 符 号 异 化 3 4 七 建 立 家 庭 学 校 社会 三 位 一 体 的 教 育 方 式 34 八 开 展 广 泛 的 国 际 合 作 3 5 I V 结 语 3 6 V 注 释 3 6 V I 参 考 文 献 3 8 V I I 后 记 4

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