特別養護老人ホームにおける介護職の看取りに対する態度に影響尾及ぼす要因 : 日本における縦断研究


Aim: The aim of the present study was to clarify that the effects of accumulated experience in end-of-life care and communication skill on the attitudes of care workers’ toward end-of-life care. Methods: A study implemented 2012 to 2014. Two hundred and fifty-three questionnaires were returned (40.2%), and 170 were fully completed by care workers in special nursing homes. We sorted the responses into two groups by experience level: the experienced end-of-life care (EE) group and the inexperience end-of-life care (IE) group. Responses were also sorted by communication skill level: a high score communication (HSC) group and a low score communication (LSC) group. A two-way repeated measure analysis of variance was used for the statistical analysis. Results: The EE group was more likely to be younger (P = .04), to have a longer duration of employment (P < .001), and to have participated in an EOL care seminar in their facility (P = .02) than the IE group. Attitudes toward end-of-life care were significantly different between the EE and IE groups (df = 2, F = 3.35, P < .05). Attitudes toward end-of-life care were not significantly different when comparing the HSC and LSC groups (df = 2, F = 0.17, P = .85). The communication skill between the HSC and LSC groups differed significantly at 2012, 2013, and 2014. Conclusions: The accumulation of end-of-life care experience prompted a positive change in attitudes toward end-of-life care. Meanwhile, communication skill had no significant effect to change attitudes toward end-of-life care

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