
本研究の目的は,看護学生(以下,学生)が成人期・老年期にある人にインタビューを行い,インタビューを通してどのような学びがあったのかを明らかにすることである。学生がインタビューを通して学んだ内容をレポートし,本研究においてそのレポート内容を分析した。その結果,学生は生きてきた時代背景や生活環境がインタビュー対象者の生きる姿勢に影響しており,過去の積み重ねの上に今のその人があることを学んでいた。また,学生はインタビュー対象者を理解するにはその人に関心を持ち,尊重しながら接することや,コミュニケーションに求められる基本的な態度を示すことの重要性を学んでいた。さらに学生は,対象とコミュニケーションを図る中で自己と他者の違いを改めて認識し,個としての対象を理解していた。このことより,インタビューは学生が自分たちとは世代の異なる成人期・老年期にある対象を理解するための有効な学習方法の一つであることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to clarify what nursing students (the students, hereinafter) have learned through interviews with young or elderly adults (the clients, hereinafter). Each of the students was asked to write a report about how s/he approached a client to obtain her/his consent for an interview, and how s/he communicated with the client to learn about her/his life. The contents of the students\u27 reports about their interviews were analyzed after they had been assured of voluntary cooperation and anonymity. The results show that the students have learned the following: (1) the background of each client such as age, times when s/he has been living or her/his living environment may affect her/his activities of daily living and attitude toward life; (2) each client has her/his own life history. Through such interviews and report writing, the students have understood the importance of the basic rules of communication including having respect for their clients and taking interest in their conversation subjects. Additionally, the students have recognized the difference between themselves and others (i.e., the individual clients) while communicating with them. These results suggest that the assignment to conduct an interview and to write a report is one of the effective methods for the students to understand young and elderly adult clients (i.e., people) of different generations from their own

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