老人病院に入院前に、在宅で痴呆患者を介護した経験のある主介護者を対象に、以下の2つの事柄および介護者負担感評価尺度(Caregiver Burden Scale:以下CBS)について調査し、その2つの調査結果とCBSとの関連について分析した。2つの事柄とは1.介護の負担感(移動、外出、排泄、入浴、痴呆症状の各々の介護に対する認知的評価)2.在宅福祉サービスの利用の有無である。その結果、移動、外出、排泄、入浴の介護の負担感とCBSの「日常生活の援助」との間、また痴呆症状の介護に対する負担感とCBSの「痴呆症状への対応」との間に有意な相関が認められた。さらに各々の介護の負担感とCBSの合計点との間に有意な相関が認められ、著者らが用いてきた負担感尺度が介護負担感尺度として妥当性のあることが示された。しかし、在宅福祉サービスの利用の有無とCBSの「社会的サポートの不足」との間の相関は低く、社会的サポートの供給量の増大やサービス内容の検討の必要性が示唆された。Relations between a feeling of the care dementia symptom and caregiver burden scale (CBS) were analyzed. The subjects for the present study were the caregivers who took care of senile dementia at home before the geriatric hospitalization. Results were the following : there was a significant correlation between a feeling of the care burden of daily life help of the CBS.There was also some significant correlation between a feeling of our dementia symptom scale and the care burden of CBS. There was a significant correlation between the sum total score of a feeling of the care burden and the CBS score as well. In the present study, the measure we adopted as the feelings of care has been shown to be valid. On the other hand, the correlation was small between the social support of the existence of the use of the at-home welfare service and the CBS ; thus the further examination on the matter and contents of the social support is necessary